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Transitional Cash Assistance: Bridging Welfare-to-Work

Transitioning recipients of TANF cash assistance from welfare-to-work has become the focus of state welfare programs. Successful transitional assistance programs incorporate pre-employment and post-employment services to increase job retention and advancement to avoid welfare returns. In the late fall of 2008, The Social Research Institute (SRI) was contracted by Utah’s Department of Workforce Services (DWS) to complete an evaluation of the Transitional Cash Assistance Program (TCA).

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Evaluation of the Homeless Assistance Rental Program (HARP): A Follow-Up Study

A follow-up study to their 2007 HARP evaluation, UCJC found that HARP has continued to fulfill its goals of diverting clients from jail and residential treatment into supportive housing. Compared to a similar supportive housing program, HARP has served a more criminal justice and treatment-involved population . . .

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Last Updated: 12/12/23