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Evaluation of the Homeless Outreach Service Team (HOST) Program

UCJC conducted a study (2013-2014) to evaluate the effectiveness of the HOST program. The HOST program's original purpose was to bring Salt Lake City, Utah police officers and community outreach workers together to identify homeless individuals who frequently panhandle or engage in other types of public nuisance activities in the downtown area and to connect them to community resources.

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Treatment for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: A Review of the Literature

This review (2016-2017) examines extant research on the impact of treatment in reducing criminal recidivism among adult male Interpersonal Violence (IPV) perpetrators. The review yielded a total of 95 articles, including: 28 studies on the efficacy of the primary modalities; five studies on coordinated criminal justice responses; 40 studies on…

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Adherence to Evidence-Based Practice in Community Treatment: Aggregate Report for LSAA Providers and DORA Sites

Over a two-year period (2015-2017), UCJC conducted evidence-based program evaluations and provided technical assistance to contracted providers serving probationers under Utah’s Drug Offender Reform Act (DORA) and Local Substance Abuse Authority (LSAA) sites. Programs were assessed using the Correctional Program Checklist (CPC), which was developed by the University of…

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Statewide Mental Health Court Study

UCJC conducted a study regarding the efficacy of Utah's mental health courts (MHCs). In Phase 1 (2014-2015), we studied 43 MHCs across the United States, Australia, and Canada. In Phase 2 (2017-2018), we assessed the efficacy of Utah's MHCs using a matched sample of individuals with similar treatment and criminal histories. This report provides details on the programs, participants, eligibility criteria, and methods/outcomes used . . .

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Last Updated: 12/12/23