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Adherence to Evidence-Based Practice in Community Treatment: Aggregate Report for LSAA Providers and DORA Sites

Study Dates: 2015 – 2017
Study Description: Over a two-year period, UCJC conducted evidence-based program evaluations and provided technical assistance to contracted providers serving probationers under Utah’s Drug Offender Reform Act (DORA) and Local Substance Abuse Authority (LSAA) sites. Programs were assessed using the Correctional Program Checklist (CPC), which was developed by the University of Cincinnati, to assess how closely correctional programs adhere to known principles of effective interventions. Site visits were conducted with each of the 13 providers and a comprehensive report of findings and recommendations were provided to each program’s leadership team.

The aggregate report has three purposes:

  1. Summarize the aggregate program assessment findings from the thirteen program assessments conducted throughout the state of Utah in 2015-2017
  2. Summarize the aggregate findings on supervision at each site
  3. Summarize the barriers to the program assessment, quality improvement, and technical assistance processes.

The final section of this report highlights key findings and provides recommendations for next steps.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23