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The Role of Generativity as LGBT Older Adults Navigate Stigma, Historical Trauma, and Identity Management

Living longer lives within a shifting historical and social context is a reality for LGBT adults in later life. This study investigates the roles of stigma, historical trauma, and identity management as mechanisms that promote or hinder health, and their relationship to generativity. We utilized fixed effect models to examine these associations analyzing longitudinal data (T0 to T2, N= 2,450) from Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/Gender Study.

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LGBT older adults emerging from the shadows: Health disparities, risk & resilience

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults have largely been an invisible population, although they are now emerging from the shadows. Along with shifting demographics and profound graying of the global population, the older adult population is becoming increasingly diverse. Estimates indicate that more than 100 million Americans are aged 50 and older (US Census Bureau 2013b). By 2030, it is estimated that nearly 133 million Americans will be aged 50 and older with the 50-64 age group shrinking slightly, and those 65 and older nearly doubling (US Census Bureau 2013a).

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Innovative approaches address aging and mental health needs in LGBTQ communities

LGBTQ older adults have higher levels of psychological distress as compared to older adults in general. They also experience multiple barriers to accessing equitable, culturally competent mental health and aging services because of their distinct histories and particular social contexts. This article discusses this lack of access to services, and highlights an innovative way mental health services are being delivered in LGBTQ communities.

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Concealing concealment: The mediating role of internalized heterosexism in psychological distress among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults

Recent population-based studies indicate that sexual minorities aged 50 and older experience significantly higher rates of psychological distress than their heterosexual age-peers. The minority stress model has been useful in explaining disparately high rates of psychological distress among younger sexual minorities. The purpose of this study is to test a hypothesized structural relationship between two minority stressors—internalized heterosexism and concealment of sexual orientation—and consequent psychological distress among a sample of 2,349 lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults aged 50 to 95 years old.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23