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Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement Restructures Reward Processing and Promotes Interoceptive Awareness in Overweight Cancer Survivors: Mechanistic Results From a Stage 1 Randomized Controlled Trial

The primary aims of this Stage I pilot randomized controlled trial were to establish the feasibility of integrating exercise and nutrition counseling with Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE), a novel intervention that unites training in mindfulness, reappraisal, and savoring skills to target mechanisms underpinning appetitive dysregulation a pathogenic process that contributes to obesity among cancer survivors; to identify potential therapeutic mechanisms of the MORE intervention; and to obtain effect sizes to power a subsequent Stage II trial.

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Traumatically Mindful: Investigating the Link Between Exposure to Potentially Traumatizing Events and Greater Dispositional Mindfulness

Evidence suggests that mindfulness influences posttraumatic reactions; however, it may also be that experiencing a potentially traumatic event impacts mindfulness. Trauma exposure is believed to disrupt an individual’s assumptive world and alter attentional, cognitive, and affective qualities that have also been linked to mindfulness. Thus, posttraumatic reconstruction of an assumptive world may influence mindfulness.

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Mindfulness and concerns about adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET)

Poor adherence to AET for early-stage breast cancer is associated with increased recurrence and mortality. Interventions to improve adherence have been minimally effective. Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose in the present moment with an attitude of openness and acceptance. In this cross-sectional study, we examined clinicopathologic, and psychosocial factors, including dispositional mindfulness, associated with increased concerns about medication.

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Behavioral preference for viewing drug v. pleasant images predicts current and future opioid misuse among chronic pain patients

The study used a mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal design to test whether a behavioral choice task, previously validated in stimulant users, was associated with increased opioid misuse severity at baseline, and whether it predicted change in opioid misuse severity at follow-up.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23