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Immigrant Inmates in the Correctional System

In the last 20 years, the immigrant population has increased by “70 percent to about 43 million,” making up about “13 percent of the population” with “one in every four Americans” being “either an immigrant or the child of one” with estimates that “one million immigrants have come legally to the United States each year” since 2000 (Preston, 2016, p. 1). The Pew Research Center (2008) illustrated that by 2050 one in five Americans (19%) will be foreign born; non-Hispanic Whites who comprised 67% of the population in 2005 will now be 47%; Hispanics will rise from 14% of the population in 2005 to 29%; Blacks will represent around 13%; and Asians, who were 5% of the population in 2005, will be at 9%. By 2050, 54% of the American population will be minorities. With this changing cultural landscape has come some contentious political divides.

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Prescription opioid misusing chronic pain patients exhibit dysregulated context-dependent associations: Investigating associative learning in addiction with the cue-primed reactivity task

In this study, the authors utilized a novel psychophysiological probe of pain-opioid conditioned associations, the cue-primed reactivity (CPR) task, to assess associative learning and second-order conditioning effects among chronic pain patients taking long-term opioid analgesics.

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The shape of self-extension: Mapping the extended self with multidimensional scaling

This exploratory study examined the three domains of self-extension proposed by William James' Constituents of Self—the psychological, social, and material domains. A novel analytic method, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS-T), was used to represent the structure of James' self-extension domains in geometric space for a large sample of American adults (N = 1181).

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Last Updated: 12/12/23