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Opportunities for Student Engagement

Utah stands out as a resettlement site for refugees from around the world, yet there has been relatively little research about the state’s success and the ever-changing needs of its diverse immigrant communities.  That’s why the University of Utah Center for Research on Migration & Refugee Integration (CRMRI) is dedicated to advancing the science and practice of effective two-way integration, informed by an understanding of the global context of the immigration phenomenon and the lived-experiences of newly arriving populations.

CRMRI is eager to support student participation in a number of activities:

  • Work with faculty mentors on a research study and develop a UROP project
  • Contribute to a research study and write an Honors thesis
  • Assist in developing a local conversation addressing current issues linking to immigration
  • Write a commentary about current issues in the area of refugee resettlement and/or immigration
  • Conduct research and present it at either CRMRI’s annual health & mental health symposium or the annual research symposium
  • Assist in grant writing
  • Become a co-author on a manuscript
  • Develop an outreach opportunity for students of refugee and/or immigrant background to experience the University of Utah campus
  • Participate in a macro practicum

To learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact:

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Last Updated: 4/14/21