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Drug and Alcohol use Among Juvenile Probationers in Utah

Study Dates: 1997 Study Description: In 1992, Jeffrey M. Jenson, Ph.D. conducted a survey of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use among juvenile probationers in Utah. That study was supported by four agencies that were interested in the substance use and other problems of youth on probation. The agencies were the Utah State Administrative Office of the Courts, the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, Utah State Division of Substance Abuse, and Utah State Office of Education. The results of the study showed that juvenile probationers used more ATODs than youth in the general population, and were more at risk for mental health problems, delinquency, gang involvement, and other problem behaviors. The present survey, again supported by the same four agencies, was conducted as a follow-up to the 1992 survey, to determine the current level of ATOD use and problem behaviors among probationers. Results of the present survey will be compared to those from the 1992 survey.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23