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Advancing training to identify, intervene, and follow up with individuals at risk for suicide through research


Research and training on suicide is critical given the fact that the majority of suicide deaths are preventable with accurate identification of risk and intervention by trained individuals. However, implementing and evaluating training is difficult because of the multiple factors involved, including, but not limited to, the heterogeneity of trainees, their diverse roles in suicide prevention, absence of clear guidelines for training content across settings, and limited methods for assessing outcomes.

Here, three groups of trainees are discussed: community and professional gatekeepers and behavioral health providers. The roles each group plays in managing suicide risk and the training content it needs to be effective are addressed. A staged training approach is proposed, building on the core components of currently used suicide training: knowledge, attitudes, and skills/behaviors. Limitations of current assessment methods are identified and recommendations for alternative methods are provided. The article concludes with a discussion of next steps in moving the field forward, including overcoming challenges and identifying and engaging opportunities.


Osteen, P.J., Frey, J.J., Ko, J., (2014). Advancing Training to Identify, Intervene, and Follow Up with Individuals at Risk for Suicide Through Research, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 47(3), pp. S216-S221,

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Last Updated: 12/12/23