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Proximate outcomes of service-learning among family studies undergraduates

Attitudes in academics, career, civic responsibility, and empowerment were reported before and after 143 undergraduate Family Studies students completed a servicelearning project. Results suggested improved academic and career post-test scores. Civic responsibility and empowerment improved but not significantly. Open-ended responses suggested three additional outcomes: group work, leadership, and empathy. Implications for academic programs focused on engaging students in service-learning projects working with or on behalf of families are discussed.

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Motivations, Values, and Conflict Resolution: Students' Integration of Personal and Professional Identities

Twenty MSW students, chosen on the basis of diverse cultural and personal characteristics, were interviewed about their motivations for pursuing an MSW degree and their personal and professional values. Thematic analysis yielded an emergent model relating the intersection of multiple forms of motivation, encountering and resolving value conflicts, and integrating personal and professional identities.

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Assessing low-income African-American pre-schoolers' behaviour problems in relationship to community violence, inter-partner conflict, parenting, informal social support and social skills

This study examined the relations among community violence exposure, inter‐partner conflict and informal social support and the behaviour problems of pre‐schoolers, and explored how mothers' parenting skills and children's social skills may mediate the child outcomes associated with such exposure.

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Positive Reappraisal Mediates the Stress-Reductive Effects of Mindfulness: An Upward Spiral Process

Positive reappraisal and mindfulness appear to serially and mutually enhance one another, creating the dynamics of an upward spiral. Through mindfulness practice, individuals may engender a broadened state of awareness that facilitates empowering interpretations of stressful life events, leading to substantially reduced distress.

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CSW Research Publications



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Last Updated: 4/14/21