Clinical Psychologist – County Adult Assistance Program (CAAP)
The County Adult Assistance Program's Clinical Psychologist is responsible for conducting professional-level work in assessing CalWORKS and CAAP clients to identify and document disabling mental health conditions and associated functional limitations that enable them to qualify for Social Security Benefits.
1. Conducts screening and assessment of Clients with mental health related complaints, collateral interviews with primary care and behavioral health staff and medical records review to support clients' application for Social Security Benefits.
2. Selects, administers, scores and interprets appropriate psychological tests of intelligence, personality, aptitude, achievement, interest and other specialized areas and conducts diagnostic clinical interviews with emotionally disturbed, mentally ill, chemically dependent and intellectually disabled adults to assess their impairments to provide medical evidence in support of clients' application for Social Security Benefits as needed.
3. Prepares psychological reports presenting diagnostic findings, interview findings, functional assessments, clinical evaluations, and recommendations for the Clients' SSI eligibility.
4. Reviews and evaluates psychological, psychiatric and/or neuropsychological data and case material.
5. Provides education, consultation and information to community providers, and CAAP's multidisciplinary team on adult adjustment problems, mental illness, chemical dependence, culturally relevant services, and other topics related to SSI eligibility.
6. The CAAP psychologist may supervise psychology interns and subordinate clinical staff not including class 2574 Clinical Psychologist; conduct staff training programs both within the clinic or unit and for line agency personnel.
Compensation: $124,618.00 - $151,398.00 Annually
Application Deadline: Continuous
Click here to learn more about this role and to apply.
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