A Decade in Retrospect at the College of Social Work
December 31, 2019
It has been an important decade in the history of the University of Utah College of
Social Work. There were hundreds of notable changes, events, awards, and accomplishments
that will shape the future of the College and the profession of social work. With
2020 on the horizon, we look back at just a handful of the highlights.
BSW students collected 1,882 pounds of food and $342 for the Utah Food Bank
Reiko Hayashi was selected as a Fullbright Scholar and spent the 2010-2011 academic
year teaching and researching at the University of Costa Rica School of Social Work
The College hosted a conference on the impact of military engagement on individuals,
families, and communities
In one day, BSW students collected 1,882 pounds of food and $342 for the Utah Food
Bank as part of a Bachelor of Social Work Student Association activity
Donors D’Arcy Dixon Pignanelli and Frank Pignanelli made a generous gift of property
to the Katie L. Dixon Women & Girls Leadership Endowed Fund
Marilyn Luptak and Dr. Fran Wilby were selected to serve consecutive 18-month terms
as Belle S. Spafford Endowed Chairs while they conducted a three-year joint research
project on the needs of community-dwelling older adults and their families
The Bachelor of Social Work Program celebrated its 10th anniversary
Spafford Chairs Dr. Fran Wilby and Dr. Marilyn Luptak with donor Florence Smith Jacobsen
The 75th anniversary Gala Dinner brought in more than $9,000 in scholarship
The College of Social Work celebrated its 75th anniversary with a year of events, culminating in a gala dinner that brought in more
than $9,000 in scholarship funds
Mary Beth Vogel-Ferguson began collecting 24 months of longitudinal data from 1,075
public benefit recipients, revealing a strong correlation between receiving cash assistance
and a history of multiple adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Marilyn Luptak moderated a panel on The New Expectations for Health Care during a White House Briefing in Washington, D.C.
The University of Utah awarded Dr. Joanne Yaffe the Linda K. Amos Award for Distinguished
Service to Women
The Social Research Institute was awarded the Title IV-E Waiver evaluation contract
The Master of Social Work Program began offering distance education classes at the
St. George University of Utah Graduate Center
Dixon Girls Forums, funded by the Katie L. Dixon Women & Girls Leadership Endowed
Fund, delivered programming to girls in 15 Utah elementary, middle, and high schools
Dr. Marilyn Luptak moderated a panel during a White House Briefing
Two of the first Case Management Certificate Program graduates with program faculty
Dr. Teresa Molina, Dr. Rosey Hunter, and Dr. Aster Tecle
The first cohort of 27 Case Management Certificate Program students (representing
14 countries of origin) graduated
The Council on Social Work Education awarded Dr. Marilyn Luptak the Distinguished
Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award for her achievements in research
and scholarship, pedagogy and curriculum development, and organizational leadership
A generous grant established the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Neighbors Helping
Neighbors Scholars program
The Dixon Girls Forums set a new program record, reaching over 500 Dixon Girls Forum
Jane Dyer (College of Nursing) and Dr. Aster Tecle were selected to serve consecutive
terms as Belle S. Spafford Endowed Chairs while they conducted a three-year joint
research project on helping women with refugee backgrounds have healthier pregnancies
The Bachelor of Social Work Program launched a new all-online option
The Social Research Institute hosted the three-day National Human Services Training
Evaluation Symposium
The YWCA of Utah awarded Dr. Rosemarie Hunter the Outstanding Achievement Award in
recognition of her extraordinary contributions in the area of community service
MSW student Arielle (Spanvill) Ashford traveled to Washington D.C. to share her personal
story of addiction, recovery, and advocacy during a special White House meeting
Dean Jannah Mather retired after 15 years at the College of Social Work
Hank Liese was named the new Dean of the College of Social Work
The College launched a new undergraduate certificate in social justice advocacy
Participants in the National Human Services Training Evaluation Symposium included
national and international training evaluators
Dr. Rosey Hunter was awarded the the Outstanding Achievement Award by the YWCA of
The first annual interdisciplinary Utah Criminal Justice Conference
The new Center for Research on Migration & Refugee Integration was launched, under
the leadership of Dr. Caren Frost
The College hired its first postdoctoral fellows—Rachel Atchley, Adam Hanley, and
Allyn Walker
The National Institute on Drug Abuse – Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Program
awarded Dr. Eric Garland $2.8 M for an R01 study—the College of Social Work’s first—to
run a randomized controlled trial examining the efficacy of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery
Enhancement as a treatment of chronic pain and opioid misuse
The Utah Criminal Justice Center launched its annual interdisciplinary Utah Criminal
Justice Conference
The new Center on Mindfulness and Integrative Health Intervention Development was
launched, under the leadership of Dr. Eric Garland
Dean Hank Liese retired after 24 years at the College of Social Work
Martell Teasley was named the new dean of the College of Social Work, the first African
American to serve in that role
The Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute awarded Dr. Eric Garland and his
research colleagues a $8.4 M grant for a multi-site randomized controlled trial (at
Harvard University, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and the University of Utah)
comparing two treatment methods for opioid-treated chronic lower back pain
Dean Martell Teasley
Jim Carroll, acting director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy,
came to the U to talk with the student leadership of Recover at the U, as well as
Dr. Jason Castillo and Dr. Eric Garland
The Utah state legislature awarded Recover at the U $100,000 of ongoing funds to support
students in recovery
The College rose 15 spots in the U.S. News and World Report ranking of graduate social
work programs
MSW alumnus Raymond Uno received an honorary doctorate, the U’s highest honor, during
the U’s Commencement Ceremony
Jim Carroll, acting director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy,
came to the U to talk with the student leadership of Recover at the U about their
experiences and how they’re trying to help other students in recovery
MSW student Angela Mesenburg was awarded a Council on Social Work Education Minority
PhD candidate Sarah Reese was awarded the prestigious 2019 Society for Social Work
and Research Doctoral Fellows Award
Eric Garland was appointed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) director to
a national multidisciplinary working group for the NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term
(HEAL) initiative, and was named the College’s Distinguished Endowed Chair in Research
MSW alumna Lana Dalton was presented with the 2019 Distinguished Young Alumni Award
during the University of Utah’s annual Founders Day celebration
Meeyoung Min was hired as the new tenured Belle S. Spafford Endowed Chair
S. Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz
came to Utah to meet with Dr. Matt Davis and his colleagues in the University Neuropsychiatric
Institute and Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness (USARA) about how they’re
helping patients recover from opioid misuse
The College of Social Work launched a new online licensure exam prep course, provided
free to MSW students
Dr. Eric Garland was appointd to the NIH HEAL Initiative working group