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Bachelor of Social Work
Program Admission Application

NOTE: Applicants should carefully read ALL instructions below before applying.



The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program operates under a selective admissions policy, based on the need to maintain a program of excellence in the classroom, assure availability of quality practicum placements, and adhere to accreditation requirements. The BSW Program reserves the right to admit a limited number of students each year. Meeting the minimum standards does not guarantee a student will be admitted to the program. Students who are denied admission may reapply during the next admission cycle, and/or may meet with a CSW academic advisor to explore career alternatives.

Enrollment in selected upper-division social work courses is restricted to students who have been admitted to the program. Students should meet with a social work academic advisor to create an academic plan that includes application to the BSW Program.


Transfer Students and Students Returning to the University

Acceptance into the BSW Program does not constitute automatic admission to the University of Utah. All transfer students, and those returning to the University after an extended absence, must complete an application to the University of Utah. For more information, visit the Office of Admission website.


Deadlines for Program Admission

  • Fall Semester: March 15th 11:59pm MST
  • Spring Semester: September 15th 11:59pm MST

(These deadlines are the same for both campus and online program options.)



A minimum overall GPA of 2.75 is required

Prerequisite courses must be completed or in-progress at time of application, earning a grade of a “C-” or better

At least 30 College Level Credits must be completed or in-progress at time of application for the BSW Program.

Requisite courses and Prior Learning Credits can apply toward the total number of credits earned.

  • SW 1010 Social Work and Social Welfare
  • PSY 1010 General Psychology or equivalent
  • SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology
  • POLS 1100 US National Government or equivalent
  • WRTG 2010, HONOR 2211, or other WR2 equivalent course
  • MATH 1030, or MATH 1050, or other QA/QL equivalent course (completed with D- or better)
  • General Education requirements met per University of Utah policy (missing 2 ok but not from above at time of beginning the program)

Note: You may have completed equivalent versions of these courses at another institution. Check with a BSW academic advisor to ensure that the courses you took at a transfer institution will indeed satisfy our program’s pre-major requirements. Please also note that each of the above pre-major courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Additionally, pre-major courses must have been completed within the last ten years. In addition to the above pre-major requirements, students must have completed most, if not all, general education requirements for the University of Utah. A student may be missing up to two general education courses at the time of beginning the BSW Program, but these may not consist of any of the above pre-major courses, nor may they include the math (QA/QL) or lower-division writing (WR2) requirements.


Admissions Decisions

All applicants will be notified via email regarding the results of their application to the program within six weeks of the application due date.


Required Application Forms

BSW Program applicants must fully complete two forms for program admission:

  1. Form 1: Request 2-3 Letters of Recommendation from Professional References: First, it is crucial that you identify your professional references right away, to provide your recommenders enough time to write letters on your behalf before the program deadline. A minimum of two, maximum of three, letters of recommendation are required, and these must be received by the program deadline. Before you apply, you must send notifications to those individuals whom you would like to serve as your references. You can do so via this form. Please complete this form as soon as possible, before you begin the BSW Program application:

    Identify and Request Professional References

    Fall Semester Application Period: December 1st — March 15th
    Spring Semester Application Period: June 1st — September 15th

  2. Once you have selected your professional references, you are ready to begin the BSW Program application. You will be required to respond to our Personal Statement EssayQuestions via text box prompts in the application. Prepare your responses in advance of submission in a separate document, with all prompts together totalling 4 double-spaced typed pages. Additionally, you will upload your transcripts and resume directly into the program application form. However, you cannot revisit your form once you have submitted it, so we recommend that you carefully review all requirements within the form, gather and complete all required documents prior to submission, and submit all materials before the application deadline. 

    program application form
    Fall Semester Application Period: December 1st — March 15th
    Spring Semester Application Period: June 1st — September 15th

Please contact with any questions or concerns. Thank you.

Last Updated: 7/15/24